Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Father's Day

Wanted this Father's Day to be really special for Will, so I found a recipe for Almond Pancakes and made them. They actually turned out pretty well. Of course the first pancake never looks right, but that seems to be one of those strange cooking phenomenons.

These pictures I actually took a week later, since we kind of ran out of time on Father's Day, but I think they are terrific. My 2 favorite guys.

We got Will some chocolates he likes, a #1 Dad picture frame with a picture of the 2 of them, another picture frame with a picture inside, and some clothes for Nathaniel that says "Daddy Rocks," etc. Will specifically requested those since Nathaniel has had several outfits that say "Mommy Loves Me" etc. All in all, a good day. I'll post some more pictures here later.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Peas Please

We have started baby food . . . the first food I tried was peas. He did really well. Here are some shots in the high chair before we got started.

A few shots during the actual eating of the peas.

Not quite sure what to think here.

Once he got the hang of it he was fine.

I have made some baby food as well, and I thought the color of the peas was really pretty. Will doesn't like this picture (he hates peas).

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rolling Over!

Today Nathaniel rolled over. He has been able to roll on his side, but today he rolled all the way from tummy to back (with a brief break on his side). My prodigy did this not once, but three times today! I was pretty excited.

Other historic news today was the Wimbledon tennis match between Isner and Mahut. The score when they stopped play today was 59-59 in the 5th set. For those of you who aren't tennis fans, that is a crazy score. You only have to get 6 games to win a set. And normally you play a tiebreak if both players get to 6 games. However, in Wimbledon they don't do a tiebreak in the 5th (and final) set for the player to win the match. You have to win by 2 games. So the fact that they made it to 59-59 is crazy and will never happen again. I played in high school and the thought of playing that long made me somewhat nauseous . . .

An interesting fact for Nathaniel to read later is that his dad and I saw Isner play in Houston last year at the clay court championship - right before I was pregnant with Nathaniel. Pretty neat! It will be interesting to see the conclusion of the match tomorrow, but I feel so bad for whatever player loses.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Austin Trip

We got to travel to Austin last weekend to see Brad, Rheagan, Isaac and new baby Liesl. It's amazing how small Liesl felt when I held her compared to Nathaniel now. I love these shots of the 2 of them in the bouncer.

Nathaniel is very interested in Liesl.

Liesl is not interested in Nathaniel.

Big yawn for Liesl. Nathaniel smiley as usual.

Up-close shot - she has some cute dark hair, which is so different than her brother Isaac who had no hair, and is now very blonde.

Nathaniel again trying to get Liesl's attention - but she is still ignoring him.

Brad reading to Nathaniel and Liesl as Isaac watches on.

Saturday night Rheagan and Brad had a "Sip and See" party and we got to meet some of their friends from graduate school and I got to see some of my friends from high school. It was a lot of fun.

Aubrey and Isaac at the little table.

Rheagan and Liesl at the party - Rheagan looks fantastic for Liesl being not quite a month old.

So sleepy!

I love Isaac's expression in this shot - he looks like such a big boy in his pjs.

Funny story - Rheagan bought some cloth diapers from Craigs List, and this was the wildest pattern. I think it's cute - I can't wait to see what she thinks about it when she is 16!!!

We really enjoyed ourselves and feel blessed to have great friends that we've known for so long, and will continue to know in the future! I didn't get pictures of the food, but it was all fantastic. Brad made homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast Saturday (yum) and we helped out with preparing the party food, which was all terrific. Sunday morning we had a wonderful breakfast with Brad's homemade biscuits (yum again) and eggs and bacon. And their delicious coffee. Not sure how Will and I ended up with friends who are such terrific cooks - we certainly got lucky in this department! Great weekend!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer Fun

The weather has been very hot so far this June, but we have had fun playing indoors. Got some great shots of him happily playing on his mat the other day.

 Also took some pictures of him on the couch. He looks so big to me now!






Lastly some shots of me with my sweet boy later that evening. :)






Thursday, June 10, 2010

Johnny Jump-Up

Beth loaned us this Johnny Jump-Up and Nathaniel loves it. He bounces and bounces and bounces. These are pics of the first time he was in it, and he is a little unsure about it. By now he is a pro, and in fact bounced up against the door frame today and scraped some paint off the frame due to vigorous jumping. Will thinks these do not adequately show his love for the jump-up, so we'll have to get some more pics.

Also wanted to include these pics we snapped one evening after he got through eating. This is just such a funny expression, the way his hand is resting against his head, like, "Oh my, I just ate wayyyy too much." Actually I think I've seen Will do this same pose before on Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

5 Month Pictures in Chair - Memorial Day

So hard to believe that my baby is 5 months old already! Memorial Day was his 5-month birthday. I sat down and we took lots of pictures in his chair. Actually I was surprised at how many I took - but a lot of them turned out well, so I've posted quite a few. It was amazing to me how many different poses he made this time.


 Intently studying his toes

 Touching his toes for the first time!

 Leaning down to look at giraffe

Leaning even further on his own -
he can sit up by himself for a litle bit now. 



 Grabbing giraffe by the tail

 A few giggles

 Hiding from the camera

 Looking at his name

 Holding giraffe in a headlock with his legs



 So happy!


Playing some with Dad

Overall a great Memorial Day!