Sunday, March 29, 2015

March Fun

I am behind on posting, so this is just a bunch of pics that I need to share. Most recent ones are first.

I got this cute shot of them holding hands, unprompted.

They say it takes a village to raise kids - that is true! My friend Ginny faithfully comes over once a week to help out with the babies and love on them. They love her too! I couldn't make it without her.

Our friend Barb, who stops by to help and love on us whenever she gets a chance.

They love this as much as Nathaniel did! Click here to see Nathaniel in the jump-up.

Over spring break my mom was here, and I got to take Nathaniel to lunch, just the two of us. He chose Chuy's and with the wonderful weather we sat on the patio. We had a great time!

My mom holding Seth and Nathaniel.

Reading books together

This is some of Nathaniel's art from school. The old woman and the shoe. That's me at the top and Nathaniel and his brothers below. Note everyone has different hair.

We have had a lot of rainy days. On this day Nathaniel and I are playing games (Mousetrap) and the little boys are watching.

Last of all, the monkeys doing some work. I'm sure you can guess who staged this and wanted me to take a picture. :)

Eating Food

We started feeding the little boys rice cereal about 3 weeks ago. Maybe when they were 5 1/2 months? They had been interested in what we were eating. They loved it! Nathaniel never was a fan of the rice cereal. They have also eaten peas and squash at this point. Liked both. Here is Will feeding Seth his first bites.

More feeding pictures. Joel in the 2 pics below.

It's hard to feed both at once! As you can see, Joel isn't getting food fast enough in this picture. People ask me if it is getting easier having 2 babies. The answer is - not yet. But we are thrilled to have Seth and Joel and thrilled they are happy. We try to enjoy it as much as we can, but the first 6 months has just flown by!

Friday, March 20, 2015

February Highs and Lows

Toward the end of February, my parents came to visit. Right as my mom got here, Seth got sick with a fever and cold. After a couple of days (and sleepless nights), Joel got the cold. Couple more sleepless nights with lots of screaming. Then Will got the cold, and then me. My mom and Nathaniel had a runny nose, but didn't seem to fare quite as bad. While we were sad to be sick while my parents were here, I'm not sure we would have made it without them. (My dad is holding Joel).

We were supposed to go to an awards ceremony for Will while my parents were here, but we were both feeling pretty bad. I'm so glad we went anyways. It was nice to be out of the house and by ourselves. I'm proud of Will for all of the hard work he does. It's nice to see others appreciating it also! I think those are astronauts on either side of him. They also had a presentation for the astronauts that had just been up on the space station.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Five Month Pictures

So some of these aren't the best shots. The lighting needed some work. But we had just gotten over being sick, and we were exhausted, and I did these by myself while Nathaniel was at school, because otherwise it wouldn't get done. But goodness, they sure are cute.