Saturday, November 27, 2010

Zoo Fun

My parents came to stay with us the second week in November, and they were nice enough to take us to the zoo. We started out at the meerkat area. Of course, we thought of our friend Isabella who loves the meerkats.

The great thing about the meerkats is they got right up where you could see them.

  Nathaniel studying the meerkats intently.

 I love his look here.

They put on quite a show for us!

Sleepy cheetah.

Here you can see the baby elephant.

Weird giraffe - don't remember the name offhand.

 This lion scared me a bit, I'm not going to lie.
She moved very quickly.

Obviously this lion has some unresolved anger issues.

A different cheetah.

Tiger rolling on his back.

In the monkey area . . .

This is in the children's zoo area.
Nathaniel liked petting the goats.

They had a prarie dog exhibit in the children's zoo.
I think my dad had the best prairie dog look.

Will and Nathaniel in the prarie dog hole.

One of the birds on our way out.

Thanks again mom and dad! We had a wonderful time and it was such nice weather that day.

The Bandito

And a shot of Otis dutifully protecting our house . . .

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from Nathaniel!!

We decided to go out for Thanksgiving dinner today, since one of us would be on baby duty and the other one of us would be cooking and cleaning. It actually worked out really well and was relaxing. We went to the Bar-B-Q place down the street. Nathaniel had some of our turkey (smoked and fried), sweet potatoes, cornbread stuffing, and about half of my roll. Here's a picture of him tonight at dinner with carrots on his head. We are so thankful that he is here and healthy! We had a lot to celebrate this year.


Tonight he also figured out for the first time that he can purposefully drop food on the floor.
Annie was in heaven.

Thank you to all of you who love our son and are a part of his life!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Tupperware Cabinet

These are probably from a month back, and I am still way behind, but had to post these. Now we frequently let him play in the tupperware cabinet, but this was his first time to get into it (before we put the latches on). I love these pics because he is so proud of himself.

Lastly, I love this one because he is wading through the tupperware.
I will work on several new posts soon. Honestly between Nathaniel crawling everywhere and lots of work lately, I am pretty behind. So, don't worry, lots of Nathaniel catching up to do!

Monday, November 15, 2010

10 Month Pictures

Can you believe it's November already? Again I am sorry there are so many 10-month photos. They were so funny again. Now that he is crawling all over the place (real crawling) it's made the chair photos more difficult. But here are this month's pics.


Of course the dogs have to see what is going on.


Yes, he is also pulling up now.

 Mischievous grin . . .

The wave is also new. He waves at everyone now.

And he points. :)

I was afraid for a second he was going to body-slam his giraffe.

Thanks for checking out all of the pics!