Thursday, May 24, 2018

Nathaniel and School

Nathaniel had some great teachers this year! And great friends. These are some pics from his school's fb page.

A different class pet each month

Field trip to Minute Maid Park

Speaking role - Needlefish in 2nd grade musical

Field trip to Galveston Opera House - when they all caught the flu

Field Day

Egg Drop

Jellystone Fun with Boy Scouts - Day trip

Lunch in Emily's room

Water Day!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


May was a busy month, with school ending and lots of school activities.

Collecting the animals in the Happy Meals was an exciting experience for Seth
Seth really liked the kinetic sand

First day of swim team - very cold!

The weather is still nice - some red light, green light fun

The AC went out - beginning of May - so we had a picnic on the floor with the windows open
At the museum on a Saturday while the new AC was being installed

Seth got really spooked by the loud sounds on the 4th floor

Church with Levi!

"Angry chicken with goggles"

tummy feeling yucky

Mother's Day morning. Missing Joel so much. Didn't want to celebrate.

Mother's Day gift

Long Monopoly game with Mimi

Bacterial pinkeye the week before school was out - that was fun.

Nathaniel watching Blippi

People have been sending money for us to pick prizes or prizes for BMT
(I've been taking a few sacks up at a time each week. Seth definitely thought they needed some better poke prizes).

Time trials - preparing for first swim meet.

Seth dumped out all of the beans when I was eating my lunch.

Last day of 2nd grade!

American Ninja Warrior night - last day of school