Sunday, September 7, 2014

First Day of School

The first day of school arrived Tuesday! I wish I had better pictures, but Nathaniel was too impatient to pose. Here's a few.

He sat down by his friend Cassidy on the first day. The second day the teacher told me they couldn't sit at a table together because they talked the whole first day. The second day they got their assigned seats at tables.

The Borcks sent Nathaniel a fruit basket for his first day of school. He was super excited when they delivered it to us.

It didn't last very long. We love fruit!


I haven't posted any good pictures of the dogs in a while, so thought I would post some. We received some sad news last week. Otis was diagnosed with prostate cancer. We are thankful we have had 12 good years with him and Annie. We're trying to enjoy each day we have with the dogs.

Annie can't resist a clean load of laundry.


We've told Nathaniel Otis is sick, but that's all we've told him. I guess he's heard us talk about cancer, because Will said one night before bed Nathaniel prayed that Otis wouldn't have the "cancers."

Monday, September 1, 2014

Last Days of Summer

My mom came to help out the last couple of weeks of summer. Here are some shots from when she was here.

They went to a place full of trampolines for kids and Nathaniel had a great time.

Working on his science kit

At his clasroom for "Meet the teacher" morning