Friday, August 31, 2012

Red River Vacation Post 3

Our final day in Red River - we took Nathaniel to the kid's pond and let him fish for a bit. And much to my surprise, he caught his first fish! I sadly missed the actual "catching" of the fish as I had walked back to the cabin to put the dogs up. But I just missed it by a little bit. Nathaniel was excited to tell me all about it.He reeled it in and everything.

First fish!

Had to get a few shots in of the dogs.

Annie is a sun-bather. She is at her happiest when basking in the sun, as seen above.

Will and I got to go on a hike together that afternoon. There were several waterfalls along the trail, but they didn't show up too well in the pictures. Here are a few shots:

We hiked up to Middlefork lake. It was beautiful. Again, pictures do not do it justice.

Had to end with a shot of Nathaniel sitting in his chair next to Granddad. What a fantastic time. I think I have a few more pictures, will have to post them later.

Red River Vacation Post 2

Here are some shots from our second day in Red River. The cool mornings felt fantastic after the hot, humid Augusts that we are used to. We took Nathaniel to a playground around the block from our cabin, then packed our lunches and took Will's truck on the Old Red River Pass to see some beautiful scenery. This used to be the only way into Red River Valley. I can't imagine traveling on this winding, rocky road in a car (which my grandmother used to do with my mom and her brothers).

Picnic at the top of the mountain! I love this shot.

We took a different road on the way down. Once we got back to the main highway, we saw a baby bear scrambling back up the sharp incline! He realized as he got close to the cars and noise that this was not where he wanted to be! I tried to take a picture but fumbled the camera and he (or she) was gone.

My Sweetie

This morning as Will was going to work, we were telling him goodbye. Nathaniel and I are usually eating breakfast as he leaves (Will eats his breakfast at work).

I said to Will, "Have a good day, sweetie."

Nathaniel (to me): "He is NOT your sweetie. I am your sweetie."

Will and I were both cracking up. It's made me laugh all day. :)

Red River Vacation Post 1

Sorry I haven't blogged much lately, we have been busy! We had a wonderful vacation. We drove to see my parents and sister and brother-in-law, and then headed to Red River, NM. I went on vacation there as a little girl, and often with my grandmother and great aunt, so I am glad Nathaniel got to spend some vacation time with his grandparents in the same place.

Here we are in the car, excited to be on the way.

As you can see above, they were filming "The Lone Ranger" in Cimarron Canyon, which is very close to where we were staying. You can kind of see some old-timey trains they had up on top of trailers. My Dad saw Johnny Depp standing on one of them. My pictures of the filming didn't turn out too well. Nathaniel got to ride with Mimi and Granddad in their car for part of the trip. He had a great time (and so did the dogs, they were ecstatic to have the whole backseat without Nathaniel).

Here we are hiking on our first morning:

And fishing in the afternoon. No one caught anything the first day.

The chipmunks were very bold, as you can see. I saw one as we walked down to the lake that was eating a square of a kit kat bar.