Friday, September 16, 2016

September Shenanigans

Nathaniel started soccer last week. He loves to run around get his energy out. He also seems to be getting taller each day (and eating a lot)! Below is his impression of a sabre-tooth tiger (except oranges for teeth).

Seth and N love their hats
But all smiles!

The last picture is Nathaniel tying his shoes for the first time! I am so proud of him. He's such a big kid now.

The Little Boys start school

I don't know what happened . . . but the first day of school for the little boys I didn't get any pictures of them actually walking into school. Like I did with Nathaniel. First of all, because they didn't walk in - that would be too hard for me to chase them with all their stuff. I have to load them in the stroller to get them inside to their class. Getting 2 backpacks, lunches, sets of shoes, etc. took longer than planned. Nathaniel hadn't been feeling well over the weekend, and we'd been labeling stuff, and I was tired, so I had completely left my phone in the van and could get no pictures in their classroom. I'll work on that. But they had a great first day!

Seth wasn't as excited about the second day, but turns out he had an ear infection we didn't know about. We made an urgent care trip over the weekend and hopefully he will enjoy next week better.

Last Little Bit of Summer

Before September started, I got to take Nathaniel to a pool party. Just the two of us. We had a great time and watched a beautiful sunset. The picture doesn't really do the sunset justice at all.

Waiting for Bubba to get off the bus

Joel on right

This isn't a seat for 2?

A Few Fun Reminders of Summer

Was going through some pictures my mom took and found a few from this summer.

N and Seth

And these are even older - from April I think. But I love how long their hair was here.