Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Eclipse and Random shots

There was an eclipse last week, and Will got some great pictures. 

Someone gave me some votive candles as as gift and Nathaniel helped me unwrap them. I tried to explain what a candle was. He lined them up on the floor and said it was a caterpillar. How creative!

They did this all on their own!

New Thomas Shoes

Nathaniel got a present in the mail last week. He opened it up to find - new Thomas shoes! They are a little big, so we're not wearing them yet, but can't wait. Thanks again, Neena, they were perfect!

Last Day of School

A few more pictures from the last day of school. All of the kids sang on stage (video to come). And a picture of Nathaniel with his teachers, Mrs. Kathy and Mrs. Shellie. They will be missed!

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Big Bad Wolf, Going to Work

As we read the 3 Little Pigs the other day, Nathaniel says, "The wolf made a bad choice." He also kept asking all kinds of other questions about the pigs and the wolf. Where is the wolf going? (talking about after he fell in the water). Where are the pigs going? What is the wolf going to do? It was pretty funny.

One of his favorite games to play in the driveway is "going to work." He gets in his little red car, pedals down the sidewalk or driveway, and says, "Bye, I am going to work." Then he pedals back and says, "Hi, I am home from work!" and gives us a hug.

He talks so much, that the other day we went to the park and I kept thinking something was wrong because he was so quiet. :) Many times he plays with his trains and talks to them about obeying, or helping each other, or pushing each other. You just never know what the trains are going to do.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

School Pictures

Today was the last day of school. I am posting the class photo of his class from this year.

From left (Ian, Leo, Lucas, Germyra, Nathaniel, Evan, Parker, Allie)

This was last year's. I can't believe how little they look a year ago! How big they look today!

Water Day

A week ago they had water day at school. I got Nathaniel ready and had to take a few shots in his hat. It wasn't the most coordinated outfit, but he sure looked cute!

A few shots that I took before leaving the house.

No ma'am Mommy!

The other night we were in the glider reading, then saying our prayers. Nathaniel likes to lay his head down on the armrest occasionally as we sing or pray. I happened to have my arm on the armrest and he looked at my arm and said "No ma'am Mommy!" as he tried to move my arm.

I have no idea where he came up with that, as I never say no ma'am. I'm guessing he heard a teacher say that to a little girl at school or Bible study. Anyways, it was really funny.

Then the next day we were eating oranges for lunch and he told me it was delicious. Nathaniel constantly keeps me on my toes, which is a good thing!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

March of Dimes Walk

Yes, this has been a busy month! We did do the March of Dimes walk at the beginning of the month. Of course, with all the excitement, I forgot my camera and didn't take any pictures. They did have some photographers taking pictures (please ignore the advertising on our picture). I had to go to this website and download our free photo.

Thanks to everyone who donated and walked with us! It was a great day.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Neena and Pops come to Visit

Nathaniel had a great time with Neena and Pops last weekend. He's been missing them now that they're gone. I love this picture of him with Neena.

Helping Neena open her Mother's Day card

Daddy got the clever idea to build a tent with the new Thomas blanket that Neena brought Nathaniel. As you can see, it was lots of fun. Yesterday when Nathaniel woke up from his nap he had his Thomas blanket around him and he told me "I have my Thomas blanket. I love it."

Random Bucket Picture

He loves for me to take his picture in the bucket. Sometimes he gets in and says "Take my picture mommy!" And it's always cute.


These are some cute ones . . .

I love these shots of him wearing Daddy's hats . . . there was another good one but his mouth was full of mac-n-cheese and it was a little too much for the blog.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lazy Dogs

Yet another strange dog picture. Yes, Annie is sitting on top of a pillow on top of Otis. I've given up trying to figure these dogs out. I just laugh at them.

Fun at the Little Gym

There was a birthday party for one of his friends from school last week, and we got a few shots. He loves playing at the Little Gym.

Picking Strawberries

The first time this year we went to pick strawberries, I forgot my camera. I remember we were wearing long sleeves. This time the weather was much warmer! Although the season is almost over. They opened for picking in December last year, because of the mild winter.

Note: I did not get any of the pictures I wanted of Nathaniel picking strawberries. He was most interested in holding one strawberry in his hand or touching smashed ones on the ground. And then wiping his strawberry hands on my shorts. He and Brooklyn weren't cut out for the manual labor. I took the little ones to the play area, and Reagan and Jodi and Will did the hard work of filling our buckets.

The little guys perked up once they were in the shade.
Nathaniel loved climbing on the raccoon.

I never could get Nathaniel to put his face in the strawberry.