Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Computer still isn't up and running for me to load pictures, but a funny story to tell -

Last night, I was putting Nathaniel to bed. We've been rocking with him, and then he's been telling us when he's ready to lie down. Last night he was trying to stall with me. After he said "night-night" and pointed at his crib, and I got him settled, he decided he wanted to rock a little longer. I decided some extra rocking couldn't hurt.

Nathaniel decided that he wanted his baby and Pooh bear (that stay in his bed) to rock with him, so I put all of us in the glider to rock. Then he looks up, with the baby in one arm, and points at baby and says "baby." Then he points at Pooh and says "Pooh" and then he points at himself and says "Naniel" (what he calls himself). Then he laid his head on my chest for us all to rock (since we had all been acquanited). Anyways, cute story. As soon as we get the computer up and running I have some good pictures to post.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Things that happened this week

Our computer is down, so I haven't been able to upload any pictures. But we had a lot going on this week, so I thought I would make a list of Nathaniel-happenings.

  1. Donut holes for Father's Day - Nathaniel loved these. Sugar was all over his hands and face.
  2. Eating colors at Zio's - yes, this happened. And he wasn't hungry. He just bit the top off of the orange crayon. I fished part of it out of his mouth but not all of it.
  3. Broken lamp - after several time-outs that weren't effective, he grabbed the lamp once more and it shattered on my shoulder. Plastic bits everywhere.
  4. Time-outs became more effective (hence #3 above).
  5. We have discovered that Nathaniel knows about 20 signs now. And one day he used almost all of them to try and postpone the nap. (Read, Drink, Eat, Hungry, Help, Book, etc.)
  6. Climbing on chairs was nipped in the bud.
  7. He flirts with women to get his way.
  8. He has been informing me when he needs a new diaper.
  9. This morning he fed himself a lot of his oatmeal.
  10. Last night he had me laughing so hard I couldn't make him go to bed . . . 
Anyways, just thought I'd share what he's up to these days. Hopefully my computer will be fixed soon - I have some good pictures to post!

    Tuesday, June 7, 2011

    17 Month Pictures

    Will and I were amazed looking at these, because he looks so much bigger than even last month. He continues to learn new things and surprise us each day.

    Saturday, June 4, 2011

    Visit with Grandparents

    Since Nathaniel was so sick the last time my parents were here, we decided to take a plane trip and visit them! Just Nathaniel and I took this little vacation, since Dad was working during the second-to-last shuttle mission. Thanks again to everyone - we had a great time!

    Showing Aunt Hillary his hat.

    The tractor going into the water -  I could see where this was headed.

    Nathaniel was a little chilly after swimming in his pool one evening, so we put mom's socks on him to warm his legs. Silly!

    He can even say "Hillary" now.

    Feeding the ducks with grandparents.

    Nathaniel had to sample the bread to make sure the ducks would enjoy it.

    Wheee! I love sliding.

    We stopped at the botanical gardens to see the flowers. This is where Aunt Hillary and Uncle Shelby were married.

    Showing Uncle Shelby the "bus book."

    He was sitting with granddad and eating cheerios. He also was interested in granddad's coffee. Sorry Nathaniel, you're too young for coffee. He can say "hot" now, so at least he understands what that means.

    At the Amarillo zoo, gazing out at the bison.


    You can't tell here, but he had his grandpa feeding him vanilla ice cream, and his grandma feeding him strawberry ice cream. Yum! The other pictures I took of this turned out blurry. But you can see the look on his face - priceless.