Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Happy Easter

We had a great Easter. I was able to go up to Nathaniel's school for the big egg hunt the Thursday before Easter. The weather was great, but it had rained a little the night before, so they decided to have his class hunt in the library. It actually worked out well, there were lots of places to hide eggs. In fact, we adults hid the eggs so well that not all of them were found! Each student hunted for eggs that had his/her number on them.

This was actually the week before Easter at church. The boys would not hold still for a picture with the giant eggs. Oh well.

We enjoyed a great Easter Sunday service at our church (I am holding Seth)

Easter morning - Nathaniel wasn't up yet and the little boys were already tearing into his basket

Decorating eggs the day before



The little boys didn't really grasp the concept of hunting the eggs. That's okay though. Next year will be crazy! Nathaniel got some confetti eggs in his Easter Basket so he and I got to go outside and play with those. So fun, might have to do that again.

Good Friday

Nathaniel was off school for Good Friday, and we enjoyed a nice day with all 3 boys. In addition to a fun trip to the park, I was finally able to take the boys to the mall to use some gift cards they had. 

Joel with his new monkey

Nathaniel knew immediately that he wanted a longhorn

Seth loved his bear

Nathaniel at NASA

Someone got to take a tour of NASA! Will also took one of his high school friends and her kids with them. What a treat.

Spring Break Fun

We had a lot happening for spring break. The Friday before spring break started was Grandparents Day at Nathaniel's school. I got to go up to school and have breakfast with Nathaniel and take him to shop at the book fair. We had a blast! The first picture is his birthday picture which was up on a bulletin board in the main hall of his school.

Playdate at a friend's house

Daddy and Seth

You can kind of see Seth's curly head to the left of Nathaniel. Seth is tucked up in Nathaniel's lap. So sweet!

Fun petting zoo at library with Mary Kay

Paddington Bear at the library!