Friday, March 24, 2017

Joel in Hospital - Spring Events

Nathaniel handled it so well having both brothers in the hospital.

We  bought Bubba a new futon and let him pick out sheets since he would be sleeping in the playroom a while longer.

Bubba and I took a long walk outside the hospital. I tried to see him on the weekends as much as possible. I think we went for a walk and picked up sandwiches at Subway.
As we walked back from the fountain he told me that he was the only one in our family of 5 still at home.
Seth and I had a late, exciting night as I realized his central line had been pulled out more than it was supposed to. Thankfully it was still central, but needed to be fixed in order to last the rest of the time after transplant.
We got back to his hospital room and he wanted to stay under all these blankets from IR for a while.
Bubba's Spring Field Trip

Field Day

Seth started to enjoy the Lego Duplo sets during BMT. He built this creation on his own.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Transplant Day

March 22, 2017 was the date of Seth's BMT. They had a banner ready for him that we hung in his room. He loved all of the trucks on it. He would point to each vehicle and tell you what it was.

The blood you see in the tube is our donor's marrow going into Seth. It's actually just like getting a blood transfusion. We were monitored for much longer, but thankfully he didn't have any reactions.

He is asleep by the end of his transfusion.

And a nap the next day. All the premeds wore him out.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Spring Break

Seth finally made it to BMT, the first Sunday of Spring Break. March 11th. I remember Will bringing breakfast tacos up to the room. Then we finished packing up. Tonya and Erika, 2 of our favorite nurses, walked us down to the 8th floor. I was so nervous. I had heard so many rumors about BMT. That it was dark and depressing compared to 9th floor.

I made it home the Wednesday of Spring Break. I was able to see my sister, who was spending time with my mom and the boys. Nathaniel enjoyed his first Monopoly game with Aunt Hill!

Unfortunately I could tell something was wrong with Joel that day (March 15). He wasn't himself. He wasn't feeling well. His walking wasn't quite right. I went back up to the hospital that night and talked to Will. We decided to talk to our oncologist and Joel's hematologist.

March 12th

March 14
Mar 14
March 14th

March 15

I got to spend some time outisde (a treat) with Hill, my mom, N and Joel.
March 15 time with Daddy

Seth got his cast off! March 16
Here we are at BMT. I think this was during a big-chemo day. March 17
Campath rash March 18th. Joel would have a rash just like this during his transplant.