Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Joel at BMT

On Father's Day, June 18th, we checked Joel into the hospital for his transplant. He was in good spirits and ready to play.

June 19

June 20 - we played a lot at the couch.

June 21

June 22 - Will sends me a text of Seth's hair which is growing back!

June 23

Jun 24

Campath rash

June 25 - we made a cardboard ramp for his hot wheels

June 26 - playing our favorite game. "Mom and Joel Giraffe"

June 27 - Dad and Seth at clinic.
Seth said he was a "cool dude."

June 28 - Transplant Day

I got lots of snuggles this day, but you can tell he really wasn't feeling great.

June 29

July 1

July 3 - playing with Dad

This was a siren on his head and he made police noises with me "who-whooo"

4th of July

I tried to watch fireworks out the window when Joel was asleep

July 6
July 7 - Nathaniel took this pic. I came home for a few days with the boys.

July 8

July 10

July 14

July 15

July 17 - I ended up having to pack everything myself that night to move to the 9th floor. They needed the room for someone about to get a transplant.
July 18 - in a room on the 9th floor, ready to be home.

July 19