Saturday, April 21, 2018


We had such a good time cheering for Nathaniel. The triathlon was a great experience, despite being so cold! At the end of April!

Pasta dinner the night before

Dropping the bike off the night before

Thursday, April 19, 2018


April was filled with wonderful weather. I'm not sure that I ever remember a nicer spring. Cool weather, sunny and not too hot. We got out as much as we could.

April 10 - BMB Day.
It was really a pretty awful day. We dropped Nathaniel off at Levi's house early. We had to wait a long time for Seth's bloodwork. There was some problem with the tube station. At PACU he wasn't really that awake but they sent us home. In the hallway on the sky bridge his arm was dripping blood from the IV site. His platelets were so low, and PACU nurse hadn't made sure site was clotted. We've never been so happy to be home again.

Day after BMB Nap

April 16 - weather so nice, had to have another zoo day.

The McDonald's Happy Meals have been great for Seth. He loves the fries and burgers. But the stuffed animals have really excited him.

April 19 - Donor Cell Day for Seth. Will went to see Joel's fish tank.

Fun weekend with Mimi and Granddad while they were here for the triathlon

Long clinic day - April 27 - getting blood
Jellystone - April 28

Last day of April at the zoo again!