Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Viewing the Shuttle

The shuttle stopped here for one day and we got to see it (along with thousands of other people)! It was amazing to see up close. Will has seen one up this close, but I haven't. There was a lot of walking involved, but it was worth it. First picture is Nathaniel standing by the model shuttle.

Such an amazing experience - hopefully one day we will see one of the shuttles again!


September is a birthday month around here. On my birthday our friend Barb watched Nathaniel and brought us some yummy ice cream with candles.

And on Will's birthday I made him an angel food cake, from scratch. He always talked about how his grandmother made him one on his birthday every year, so I had to attempt it. It was probably a little flat, but if you know me and my (lack of) baking skills I consider it a wild success.

We had a great birthday week, and have so much to be thankful for!

Talking, talking, talking

Nathaniel talks up a storm. We have some pretty interesting conversations. Here are a few:

  • The other day I took him to get a haircut. As we drove home, he said, "Mom, I left my hairs at the haircut place." 
  • Reading in his Bible the other night about Moses and the Red Sea, and Nathaniel informs me it is not a red sea, but a blue sea. (It is a picture Bible). I told him he was somewhat correct.
  • At school, his teachers read a book that has animals in it. They had read it once before. On the second reading, the teachers asked the kids what animal was on the page. All of the other kids said "bird" but Nathaniel said "whooping crane." I can't help it if he's a genius.
  •  Our friend had a newborn baby that Nathaniel and I got to meet last week. Last Friday morning when we were eating breakfast he was asking me about the baby. He asked if the baby liked to eat oatmeal. I told him the baby was too little for oatmeal, and she just ate milk for now. Nathaniel said, "Mom, babies DRINK milk, they don't eat it." 
 And there's more stories like this, these are just the ones I can write down and remember and post them here. :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Zoo Trip before School Started

The Friday before school and our Bible study started, I took Nathaniel for a fun morning at the zoo. Yes, it was still way too hot, but we got there right when they opened and were prepared to sweat and drink a lot of water. It was worth it. Less crowds for sure. Oh, and I had a free coupon, so we had to go.

I love this shot.

The goat thinks it is too hot also.

Carousel ride. He loves it.

Last of all, I let him ride the train. We haven't done it before.
This was his face when he saw the train coming. Priceless.

And I enjoyed the train ride, but my favorite part was that we held hands almost the whole time. It's these tender moments that I just love about being a mom. I know, I had to take a picture of it, because I know it won't last forever.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Few more Vacation Pictures

I left a few out, so here are some more good ones from New Mexico and Amarillo.

We fried fish for dinner on one of our last nights. I'm not going to say whose fish this is. He'll understand one day. :)

Lastly, a good group shot from our last night.

Bowling Fun

This summer we got to do the SBA BowlAThon with our friend Brooklyn. It was so much fun. Since our vacation got pushed, and we didn't think we'd be able to go, we didn't get to help fundraise this year. But we will raise money next year, so be ready!  Our friend Jodi and her friends/family raised the most money out of all of the teams there! It was amazing.

It was so much fun to go bowling for a good cause on a hot August day with good friends. Nathaniel actually loved the bowling. Of course, first thing that happened when we got there was he ran out on the lane and fell on the ground. He also loved cheering on his friends and clapping. And he loved the popcorn, pizza and cake. Who wouldn't?