Thursday, May 27, 2010

Relaxing at Home

Just a few shots I took at home inbetween trips.

I was trying to get some work done one evening, and Will called me in to look at Nathaniel sitting up after his bath on his changing table. I'm glad I took a break, I got some really cute shots of him.

Took a picture because he looked so much longer to me that day.

No, I did not cut his head off, I was trying to focus solely on his cute thighs.

Love his smile in this one.

This color blue looks great on him. A Nana outfit.

We had fun playing that morning.

Atlantis launch and week with Grammy

Will turned right around and went to Florida to watch Atlantis launch the week we returned from Abilene. Actually he was there for a mechanisms conference, but got to see the launch as a bonus. The ironic thing is that we saw a shuttle launch last year at this time - almost to the same day. And we saw the same shuttle last year - Atlantis! I was actually pregnant with Nathaniel at the time, but didn't know it. Well, I should say I had my suspicions, but hadn't confirmed them. Anyways, I found out May 15th of last year that I was pregnant with Nathaniel, so it was amazing to me how much had happened in 1 year!

While Will was out in Florida, my Mom flew here to spend time with her favorite grandson. We all had a great time. Mom helped me put together this Exersaucer (actually Mom did all of it, I watched), and Nathaniel had a blast.

The piano keys are a big hit, but we are unsure where any musical talent could come from.

Nathaniel is looking at Grammy.

Such a sweet face. 

Nathaniel in his new stroller - sitting up like a big boy. 

We had a great time Mom. Sorry I didn't get more pictures of you and Nathaniel. Next time!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Shrieker

I want to make a note of something else Nathaniel did the week we returned from Abilene. He started testing out his voice. I was so surprised something so loud could come out of someone so small. One day he shrieked and squealed and talked so much that he almost lost his voice. Seriously! He's been making sounds for some time, but this was really the first time it had a lot of volume. He definitely got our attention! It's gotten better now but just wanted to make a note for him so when he gets bigger he knows what a talker he was.

The Reader

I am a little behind on posting since our trips, but will slowly try to catch back up. We got these pictures the day we got back from Abilene. I sat him in his bumbo chair with his book and when I turned around it looked like he was reading. Of course, if he is the genius I know he is then he actually could be reading. :)

Intently reading

Why are you disturbing me?

Back to reading

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mother's Day

We had such a terrific Mother's Day in Abilene, and it was wonderful to be able to spend it with family. Kristy made brunch and we ate and had a great time.

Big smiles for Nana.

Meeting great-grandmother Goodwin for the first time.

A nice Mother's Day picture

Four generations of Will's family

Playing for the first time in Laney's old exersaucer.

I love the intent look on his face.

So adorable - the 2 cousins in Laney's chair.

Spending time with Aunt Kristy.

Laney in her bumblebee costume - too cute.
She is dancing the "fairy dance."


We went to Abilene the weekend of May 9th for my cousin Callie's graduation. We got to stay with Will's sister Kristy, her husband Jason and Nathaniel's cousin Laney. Getting to see family was wonderful. The drive was longer than we had bargained for, though.

Nathaniel playing on Laney's playmat -
excited to have new toys to look at.

Cousin Laney being sweet and playing with Nathaniel on the mat.

A picture of Callie's graduation at Hardin-Simmons.
I just saw a small portion of it because Nathaniel got bored after his short nap, so we walked around campus and played in the car for a while. He did really well during the lunch afterwards though.

There were some more graduation pictures that I will add to this post once I get them. Congratulations again Callie!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fauxhawk Fun

As you may know, Nathaniel loves bathtime -
so Mom and Dad decided to have some fun the other day.

So cute . . . Here are some other cute pictures with his rabbit.

He looks so big to me here.

He likes to put everything in his mouth right now . . .

4 Month Pictures

So hard to believe he is 4-months old already.

He is quite the big boy -
82nd percentile in height (over 26 inches long)
and 70th percentile in weight (16 lbs 9 oz).

Here are some of the pictures in his chair.

We also sat him in his Bumbo chair for the first time.
He's not quite ready for it - he wasn't sure what to think.

March of Dimes - March for Babies

Beth, Isabella, Konrad, Nathaniel and I did the March of Dimes walk this year. We had a wonderful time. Here are some of the pics. It was quite a warm day, and the sun felt intense, so I had Nathaniel covered up. You can just see his plaid hat poking out - I carried him in the carrier the whole way. He had a good time, and fell asleep after a bit. If you can see the pin that Beth is wearing, it is an adorable piece she made honoring Kate and Kyle. I am wearing one as well, but it's covered up in this pic. Thanks again Beth - what a great present.

And thank you again to everyone who donated to our team.
It meant so much to us.

I hadn't seen these parts of the U of H campus. It was very beautiful.
Isabella liked the fountains.

Beth and Isabella by the Cougar.
Isabella ran the entire 2-mile race. Wish I had that energy.

Can't wait for next year - I'm going to make some team shirts.