Thursday, February 27, 2014

Go Texan - Rodeo Day

Today was the rodeo day (or go Texan) day at Nathaniel's school. He was so excited that everyone was wearing their hats and boots. Here's a shot after we got dressed this morning.

Could he be any cuter?

Now some shots from school.

I know I am biased. But I really think my child was the cutest one there. :) Okay, I KNOW he was the cutest one there. :)

The Ladybug Relocation

As I was watching Nathaniel's swim lesson, I noticed that he was swimming toward the wall with his instructor and something was in his hand. They had found a ladybug at the other end of the pool. Nathaniel told me the bug was treading water and they saved it. He asked if he could keep it at home, but I told him the ladybug wouldn't be happy inside. We finally settled on relocating it to our yard in a bush of Nathaniel's choosing. For a brief, scary moment the ladybug was dropped in my car, but we recovered him.

I love how sweet and gentle Nathaniel is, and how he wanted to take care of the bug. The ladybug rested on a kickboard until the swimming lesson was over and we got to take ladybug home.


We saw this sunset from our backyard on Valentine's Day. Beautiful!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Family Valentine's Picture

Here is our family at the Valentine's Day party at church.

Click here to see our picture from 2 years ago.

Can you believe how much smaller he is?

And click here to see him as a baby on Valentine's Day. I can't believe he was that small!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Here's one of my sweethearts.

And here he is making some Valentine's cards with his friend.

And making some Valentine's cards at home. Look at how well he is writing his name!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Family Picture

Someone took this of us at the NASA Christmas lunch but I am just getting it up. It's rare for all of us to be looking at the camera!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Birthday Pictures

Yes, it is really late, but I have some of his birthday pictures that I needed to catch up on.

Having a birthday so close to Christmas, we put his birthday presents under the tree. We'll see if he still likes it when he gets older.

Will and I got him a Marble Track for his birthday.

Here's the cake I made for his party.

And some pictures from his party. We had a small party at the park.

We had a hard time getting the candles to light because it was so windy.

Thanks to all of his friends who came. We had a great time!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Topline

Yesterday Nathaniel was tracing some letters in a Thomas book I got him. There are also some games where you underline the letter for each page. I took the pencil and showed him what an underline was.

Next he grabbed a pencil and made a line above the letter and announced "This is the topline." I told him that was a great idea. It's hard to argue with that logic. Maybe I should get it trademarked. :)

A few cute pictures

Here are a few cute shots that I had to post.

Annie loves clean laundry.

Nathaniel celebrated his birthday at school when they went back in January. They gave him this hat to wear for the day. :)

And last one of Nathaniel with his friend Henry while they played at the park.

Art Projects

Here are a couple of projects that Nathaniel has done recently at school.

He said his teacher helped him in writing his name. But I was very impressed! And here are a few projects from Christmas.

He definitely has a creative streak. I love looking at things he has created.