Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

Here we are carving our pumpkin . . . 

We roasted the pumpkin seeds.

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Early last Saturday morning we decided to head out to the pumpkin patch. It was beautiful fall weather and we were the first ones there.

He really wanted to pull this wagon all over the pumpkin patch.

This picture is so Nathaniel. He is Mr. Curious. If there was ever a child to stop and smell the roses (literally) it is my son. Many times we have stopped when walking somewhere to smell the flowers. I love that he takes the time to enjoy them and reminds me to be thankful for them!

Nathaniel picked out a bumpy pumpkin for himself. He has always liked them, even was a baby. 

In fact, here are some pictures from 2 years ago.

Can you believe it? Nice to look back and be reminded of what a sweet, happy baby he was.

Dinosaur Train

They had a free event at our nature center featuring Dinosaur Train. Our friend Maren joined us on a beautiful Saturday morning. We got to see Buddy and then enjoy the  nature exhibits set up for the kids.

Maren has such a great laugh.

Nathaniel wasn't really sure what to think of Buddy. He wanted me to hold him the whole time.

Getting the tattoo - not too sure about it.

Proud of the tattoo.

Wants the tattoo off.

Looking at some animal tracks.

 Getting their binoculars. Nathaniel has really enjoyed them.

As always, we had a good time. Plus nice weather!

The Talker

Although it makes me sad to see him grow, I also enjoy Nathaniel growing up because we have such fun conversations.
  • The other day he unrolled the toilet paper (Which he knows not to do. Sometimes he just can't resist when we're getting ready in the morning). After his time-out, he came back and looked at the roll of toilet paper. I had rolled it back up to the best of my ability. He looks at it and says "That's not very good Mommy. Here let me help." He makes an adjustment and says "There. That's better."
  • I overheard him singing "Jesus loves Me" over the monitor. It was quiet time, but he had gotten out his maracas and was singing and shaking and it was the cutest thing ever. I tried to call Will so he could hear, but by the time he answered Nathaniel had taken a break.
  •  He loves to name things. His favorite names right now are Skoogwa and Skeegwa. He made them up himself, I guess.
I'm sure there's more things I have forgotten to add, but I'll try and do a couple of things at a time.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Serious play

Lately we've been very serious about playing. I took these shots of Nathaniel playing with some "big boy legos" that Will purchased from a parent trying to get rid of them (it was a great deal).


Had to throw in the flowers that Will got me "just because" :)

And here's another day while he plays with his other leggos. I couldn't get him to smile at me! We were working hard to build this castle with a tower, though.

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I'll try and get some pictures while we're playing outside, which thankfully we've gotten to do a lot of lately because the weather this fall has been so nice!

Gifts from Ireland

Our friends in Ireland sent us a great birthday package, plus some stuff for Nathaniel. He was very excited about this trucks and diggers coloring book. He really gets pretty excited about packages in general now. If the UPS guy comes I hear, "Is it for me, Mommy?"

He really liked the t-shirt also and he looks really cute in it. However, none of my shots while he is wearing it have turned out very well. I'll get one this weekend.

Thanks again to Brad, Rheagan, Isaac and Liesl! (and Patrick)