Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Joel's First Steps!

I can't believe it - Joel took his first steps today! This was our first morning at Bible study. When we got home, they napped and I fed them lunch. They were playing in the living room while I cleaned up the kitchen after lunch, and every time I looked out to check on them Joel was just standing on his own. We went to play in their room, and I noticed he pulled up and walked next to Seth's crib, holding onto the sides when needed with one hand. I set him up holding on to the chair, and he was able to walk a few steps on his own to me. I was so excited! I was cheering him on and clapping, which he thought was fantastic. I can't wait for Nathaniel and Will to see when they get home.

Here's some other trouble the boys have been into today (since Joel won't let me get a pic of him standing).

Monday, September 7, 2015

Double Trouble

Seth and Joel love getting into things. Especially together. Sometimes they sleep at the same time, sometimes they don't. Seth was up one day with me and helping with laundry while Joel slept.

Seth - trying out some muffins. You should have seen the floor after.


They pushed this across the kitchen. They're like little ants, moving things around.

They pushed this across the room together.



Seth in the basket

Seth and his curly hair after a bath

Kindergarten Update

Well, two weeks of Kindergarten are under our belt. Nathaniel has done great - he has had good behavior every day, except 2 days when he had EXCEPTIONALLY good behavior and was a Super Star! To celebrate the first week, I took him out to his favorite pizza place last weekend.

This was a picture he drew before school but I forgot to add to the blog. Notice Daddy and I are each holding babies Joel and Seth.

He did this at school

Here he is at lunch. Not sure why he is doing the funny face. I went to each lunch with him the first Friday. It was so fun and I got to talk with his teacher. She talked with me about how wonderful it was to have Nathaniel in class. She said he was sweet and so smart!

Hi coloring has been so nice.

We are so proud of the job he is doing in school. I think he is in his element! He can't wait to go. He was sad they didn't have school today (Labor Day) because he's going to miss all of his friends. However, I do think we needed the long holiday to rest. Saturday he took a nap at 11 a.m. If you know Nathaniel, you know that is rare. He normally never naps. It has been a long 2 weeks!

Here are a few more artwork pictures:

He did this one at church, it is Jesus with a crown on the clouds

An Octopus he drew at home

11 Month Pictures

We made it to 11 months! The boys are doing great. They are into EVERYTHING. I really can't do anything during the day - except make sure they're not into trouble. :) They're still napping twice a day (although not usually too long). We had to rearrange the cords in their bedroom because they kept trying to get to them and pull on them. They are eating goldfish, animal crackers, bites of biscuits and tortilla and bananas. And still baby food. It was hard to get pictures of them because they were ALL over the place. Oh, and I realized Joel's shorts were off, but by the time I started taking pictures I was too tired to hunt for them.

"Come on up here brother. No need to hold still for pictures!"

It looks like a hug. But Joel was trying to bite Seth.


We love these boys and their big brother to pieces! They miss Nathaniel while he is at school.

For fun I looked at Nathaniel's 11 month pictures here.