Friday, July 31, 2015

Behind Bars

A lot of times when one baby is exploring, the other baby will follow. I love their faces here. Seth is the one in stripes on the left.

My friend Mary Kay has taken Nathaniel to the library each week for story time this summer. They have had a program each week for story time. A couple of weeks ago it was "Super Hero Crafts." Nathaniel made his eye mask and cuffs and button, and Mary Kay later sewed this cape for him. He wore the cape for dinner, and put the cape on first thing the next morning. He wore the cape to Super Target. People laughed as he ran down the aisles in his cape. I am glad others get as much joy out of him as I do!

Natural History Museum and other fun

We are trying to soak in every bit of fun with Nathaniel before he starts school. I really wanted to take him to the Natural History museum, but it would be too hard with the little boys. Nathaniel LOVES dinosaurs right now. So Will took a few days off work in July to do things around the house, and one of those days he took Nathaniel to the museum, with his friend Berit. They had a great time. Nathaniel loved looking at the dinos. Hopefully next summer we can all go.

Nathaniel at a BBQ cookoff and fire fighter expo with Will

Friday, July 24, 2015

Happy 4th of July

We had a wonderful July 4th at home, celebrating with good friends. Here are a few shots from the 4th.

Seth on left
My sweet big boy
Joel on left

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Nine Month Pictures

I can't believe we have made it three-quarters of the first year! Nine months is here. They are both just under 20 lbs. (Joel 19 lb 11.5 oz and Seth 19 lb 14.3 oz). Joel was 28.5" tall and Seth was 29" tall. They were about 65th percentile for height and 30th for weight. They love to pull up on anything. They both have 6 teeth each. They are both very active and smart, just like their big brother. Sometimes they crawl over to me so I can pick them up, and I love that! So very sweet. They like their water babies class. One of them goes with the instructor, and I hold the other. Seth usually prefers to swim with me. But he's fine if someone else holds him, as long as I'm not around. We feel so blessed that they are happy, healthy boys.

And yes, they love to wrestle.

Monday, July 6, 2015

36 Weeks and 4 Days

36 weeks and 4 days in the womb.

And 36 weeks and 4 days out of the womb.

It is amazing to see how much they have grown both in the womb, and out of the womb. And we're not even to a year old yet! God has done an amazing job with these boys (all 3 of our boys, really).

Laundry Bucket

Daddy put the little boys in the laundry bucket the other day. I know I have some of Nathaniel in the laundry bucket at the same age, but I'll have to find them. Joel is in blue.

Superhero Nathaniel

His Superhero name is "Super Taters." Our friend Mary Kay took him to the library for story time, and they had superhero crafts this past week. Nathaniel had a great time wearing his superhero stuff.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Making Pizza

The first one is how we found Nathaniel sleeping one day. We quickly moved the pillow after we got a picture. :) We've also been experimenting with homemade pizza. Nathaniel loved it. I need to work on the crust recipe some more, but it's been fun.

Last one is us all out celebrating Father's Day. I think this is the first time we've all been out to eat as a family of 5. We're usually braver when we have help. :) But the little boys can just now sit up in high chairs, so that makes it easier.