Saturday, May 28, 2011

Water Slides and Popsicles

Headed down a huge slip-n-slide with dad. Not sure what to think at first, but as usual he enjoyed it.

Nathaniel and Samir in the ballpit.

They decided it was fun.

Levi at the bottom of the slide.

Going up the big waterslide with Daddy - for the first time.
He loved it, so they made many trips. :)

Enlarge this one to see his face going down.

Last but not least, the first popsicle . . . mmmmm.

In the Bucket

I purchased a $5 bucket at Target with the intent of using it to hold all of the toys. Instead, it was a toy - a very good one. So now it is dual-purpose. I am still getting some mileage out of it.

Peek-a-boo! One of his favorite games.


He got stuck behind here while I was doing laundry. He thought these were good toys also.

And climbed in here on his own. Why buy toys?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Words

Have to report on some of the words Nathaniel is now saying, for all of our family and friends that aren't close and don't get to see him. Here is a list of words he is currently saying:
  • Otis (this is what he calls all dogs)
  • Annie (occasionally she is called her own name when he doesn't call her Oits)
  • Nathaniel - yes, he is saying his own name! He said it at school and then again for us at home.
  • Friends' names at school - Allie, Hannah, Evan
  • Tree
  • Cheese
  • Moo (for cow)
  • Still Ma Ma and Da Da (these were some of his first words)
  • Choo choo (all trains)
He has also started shaking his head at me to signify "no." I think I like this better for now than him screaming "no." Sometimes when I tell him no, he shakes his head like, "No, I am not doing anything wrong." And sometimes I ask him, "Did you poop?" And he shakes his head no, even though the answer is almost always yes. Oh well, what can you do? :) He's pretty cute.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nathaniel walking - video

So sorry I haven't gotten this up sooner. As you may know, Nathaniel is now walking around everywhere we go. We decided to just say 16 months was his walking time, because that's about when it all came together.

First of all, here is a pre-walking video - I think the date on this is February 23rd. He loved this walker.

And here is some of his first steps - dated April 3rd.

And now some of when he really started walking - dated April 21st.

Again, so sorry that these are late. It's hard enough to keep up with 2 cameras and cables and download software, I haven't had as much time to deal with video. I'll post some more soon. Enjoy!

Friday, May 13, 2011


Sorry,  I have been behind lately, but here are some pictures I needed to post.

I caught him this day (back in April) holding Pooh bear and letting Pooh look out the window also. Didn't quite get that shot. But here he is hugging on Pooh.

These are right before Easter. We walked down to get haircuts for the boys. This picture is of Nathaniel's haircut (please ignore me stuffing my face with goldfish and my messy house).

While shopping at CVS I got Nathaniel a ball for Easter. He held it like this the whole way home. Now everytime we  go to CVS he wants another ball
(Otis popped this one).

He climbed into the box all on his own.

16 Month Pictures

Again, these are late, but here they are. Enjoy! We also had his 15-month well-baby check this month (late due to his croup episdoe).

His stats were: 32" tall (60th percentile)
Weight: Almost 24 lbs (31st percentile)
Head circumference: 19" (72nd percentile)

Doesn't he look so big reading his book?

March of Dimes Walk

We had a great walk this year for the March of Dimes. Uncle Shelby and Aunt Hillary were in town, and they ran with us, so it was even better! Here are some pictures - the walk was at the University of Houston campus.

Thanks again to everyone who contributed and walked. Great cause, great friends, great day!