Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November Fun

Some of these pics may actually be from October . . . like Nathaniel's zoo field trip. Will got to be a chaperone and had a great time. Weather was perfect.

Daddy and Joel - I think this pic is from beginning of Oct.

Seth with his tongue out

Who needs toys? We have the laundry bucket.
Joel with gloves. Don't remember why Nathaniel had the gloves out, but they certainly weren't needed.

Seth just climbs up on the clean laundry for fun.
Daddy and Joel

Joel on left
Blackberries are messy
I forget that people can't see the back of their heads - this is Seth. They both have really curly hair.

Joel in front
He is getting so tall! Early Christmas present - new cowboy boots. He chose them all on his own.
At the store, proud of his new boots.
Camping trip with Daddy and his friend

Don't want to run into this guy
They love this.
Seth on right


Poor Nathaniel felt crummy on Halloween and had a fever. Plus it was raining, so we just stayed indoors. I will let him and the little boys dress up at some point and take a picture, but for now I'll just post this picture of Nathaniel feeling crummy.

I got to stay home from church with Nathaniel the next morning. He and I played games and had the house to ourself on a rainy morning. I think it's the longest time we've had together at the house since the babies have been born! It was a blast.

Pratt Farm

Last month we got to visit the Pratt farm on a beautiful Saturday morning. Seth is wearing red pants.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Nathaniel's Work

Nathaniel continues to do a great job at school. He is happy and works hard! I don't care that much about his worksheets, but the art he does on the back is fabulous. His teacher encourages him to sound out words and spell them on his own. We've also had several projects. The first one is his Veteran's Day project, which he did about Pops. This is a picture I took of his project hanging on the wall in the hallway at school.

Science fair project

Love this one. Calling it "Germs are being Washed."

He told me that they were supposed to draw what they liked to do on a rainy day. His says "I like to cuddle with my stuffed animals and watch tv." That is his dionsaur "Tri" and monkey "Buford" in the picture.

Nathaniel told me he was the only one to draw a Crow's Nest on his ship. :)

Firefighter putting out a fire

He drew the face on the pumpkin. He liked scary pumpkins this year.

I think the upper right is a domino

Joel, who is unfortunately showing skill at climbing like his brother Seth.

I won't tell you how many times I had to pull Joel off the Lego table yesterday. I thought taking the table part off would stop him from climbing but as you can see it didn't. Seth cheering him on in the background.