Sunday, June 21, 2015

Week of Firsts

This is the first week I've had two little boys crawling at once . . . yes, Seth is now crawling and getting into trouble with Joel. It was also the first week I took them to Sam's and they could sit up in the cart. As you can tell, they had a blast. However, it took longer because EVERY person who noticed them asked questions about them or twins. Which is fine, they are a blessing and I enjoy seeing the joy they bring to others. But man, all 3 of us were tired by the time we finally checked out and got the groceries home! The little boys fell asleep in the car. And yes, they did wear pjs to Sam's. And Joel's pants don't match because he pooped in the pj pants that match that top.

Can you tell who is who in the last picture? We let them wear matching outfits to church, which is hard for the helpers in the baby class. One of the woman told me as I picked them up today that she can't for the life of her tell who is who. (They do have nametags so they know). I told them it was tough. I can look at their faces because I know them, but it's hard for others.

Growing Boy

Nathaniel has grown about an inch and a half this year. No wonder he looks taller!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

More Summer Fun

Catching up on a few things . . . the first shot is a Mother's Day sheet he did for me at school. Thought it was sweet.

A little fun in the tent with all 3 boys. I wasn't allowed but I got to take a picture.

A playdate at a friend's house.

Neena came for a visit, and got us an ice cream treat.

Nathaniel was just a little bit excited.

While Neena was here, we went to the mall so I could get Nathaniel new shoes. We entered through a department store, and Nathaniel was fascinated by mannequins. As we don't go to the mall often, I guess he hadn't seen one. He touched their hands, looked at their bellies and asked if I could take a picture of him with the mannequin.

Last one is one of his pieces from school. I got to see this one on the wall before his graduation. I have to admit, I teared up when I saw the last line - "I really love mama."

Summer Fun

We're enjoying the summer! Here is Joel with our friend Barb at her birthday lunch.

Joel ready to help with laundry.

He's helping.

Poor Seth. Big brother put laundry on his head.

I like this one because it looks like Joel is laughing at Seth.

This pretty much sums up Seth's personality. Mr. Laid-Back.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Nathaniel's Graduation

We had a great time at Nathaniel's pre-K graduation. He had a great year. He writes well and continues to read like a maniac. He will miss all of his friends so much! Everyone is going on to different schools.


Fun at the Pool

Over Memorial Day our good friends Anna and Claire came to visit. We had a blast! We made it to the swimming pool. It was the first trip for the little boys.

Joel enjoyed a nap by the pool snuggling with Anna

Daddy and Seth

Me and Joel

Seth and Daddy


Nathaniel reading to Joel

Claire was a special friend to Annie. Annie doesn't like many new people but she loved Claire and would follow her if she left the room. Annie enjoyed lots of attention from Claire.

We had such a wonderful time. Thanks again for coming Anna and Claire.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

8 Month Pictures

These are a little late (as usual) but here are some 8 month pictures. The boys won't really stay still next to each other on a blanket, so I took some of them playing together. Joel is in the light blue in the top set of pictures, and Joel is in the dark blue in the second set of pictures. It's nice to have a built-in playmate! We know we're biased, but we think these guys (and Nathaniel) are the cutest kids ever!