Monday, December 31, 2012

3 Year Pictures in chair

I can't believe what a big boy we have now. It's even harder to get some good shots of him. These aren't my best photography skills, but I want to capture him at this age so I can look back on it later.

Here are his statistics from the Dr.:
Height: 37" (40th percentile)
Weight: 31 lbs 2 oz (45th percentile)

Yes, he got in trouble for this but I took a picture anyways. Couldn't resist.

Now check out these pictures from last year. Isn't it amazing how much bigger he is?

And if I really want to cry I look at these pictures of when he was almost one year old.

To end with, one of his first-ever pictures in the chair. How much growth happens in 3 years!

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to my sweet Nathaniel! I can't believe you are 3. Such a big boy now.

We started off the day with some birthday pancakes. Unfortunately we didn't get a great smile on any of these pancake-eating pictures.

Thank you to everyone for the gifts, if I didn't post a picture here of him with your gift I have video of him opening it that I haven't gone through. And now, the birthday cake.

Nathaniel, your Daddy and I love you so much. You make us laugh every day and fill us with joy. We couldn't ask for a better son. We thank God for blessing us with your life. I pray that we have many more birthdays to celebrate together and God always keeps you healthy and safe.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Random December

Just a few I need to post before the end of the year. One of the presents Santa brought to Houston before our trip was a fireman outfit. We haven't worn the jacket yet, but he likes the hat and really likes the hatchet.

And in this picture, he told me he was in the cockpit of the plane with baby.
Creative genius!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Part 3 - Amarillo

There are lots of extra pictures in Amarillo because of all the snow, so I split the posts up. I love Nathaniel's face as he is by the snowman, click to enlarge if you want.

Hot cocoa with Mimi!

Making pumpkin muffins with Aunt Hill and Mimi

One that Will took of me as I relaxed on the couch with the dogs. Yes, I was here also!

We got to catch up with our friends Brad and Rheagan and have a playdate with their kids.

We had such a fantastic time! Thanks to both of our families for making it such a special trip.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Part 2 - Amarillo

We traveled to Amarillo on Christmas day, driving through ice and snow! After relaxing for a bit, there were more presents to open. And further down the page, you'll see we played in the snow the next morning and then Aunt Hill got us in the Discovery Center the next afternoon.

More pictures to follow!