Saturday, February 19, 2011

Video Test

I have been working on getting my vidoes converted, so I can get better about posting them to the blog. This is a video I took when Brooklyn was over playing about a month or so ago. Maybe almost 2 months. Anyways, Nathaniel was chasing Brooklyn while Brooklyn pushed the stroller. They are so sweet when they play together.

New Favorite Skill: Crawling

Yesterday Nathaniel started crawling on everything. He has done it some before, but not with this much gusto. First stop was the library table. Although as you can see, he slipped off the back edge and got stuck in the crack. But overall he was very pleased with himself.

While he was climbing I was trying to get some laundry put up. I think it took me about 2 hours! But that's okay. He wanted to check out the dryer and even tried to climb inside if I would have let him. So instead he settled for pulling out all of the washrags from the linen closet. Look at that face!

So his other new skill is flushing the toilet. He is also very excited by this. I am going to have to get a toilet lock now. He makes a beeline for the handle whenever he gets close to the bathroom.

Fun with Mommy

For the first time Nathaniel crawled on my back while we were playing. I guess he thought it would be fun. And it was! :)  I think we got some video also because he started bouncing up and down on me (he has a horse toy at his school that he bounces in).

More Box Fun

Another big box - this time he fell out of the box! Had to post this action shot.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Smart Boy

Have to brag a little bit on my smart boy. Yesterday I was watching Izzy and Konrad and Nathaniel. I would tell Izzy that we should clap for Nathaniel when he would stand up, and before we could clap, Nathaniel clapped! Then I was telling Will about it last night and whenever I sad "clap" then Nathaniel would clap. So he already associates the word with the action.

We have been teaching him sign language, and he started signing "more" a couple of weeks ago. Now he signs "more" for everything, even though we have been teaching him the signs for eat, drink, etc. The past 2 days he has signed "more" to me when he is ready to eat lunch. I am so proud of him - and it is much better than listening to him scream or grunt for things. Don't get me wrong, his grunts are cute, but can be wearing after a while . . .

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

13 Month Pictures

Someone was so active this time, I couldn't really keep him in his chair. These are okay shots, but not great. You can see how big he is getting.

Snow Day

Yes, as crazy as it sounds, we had a snow day in Houston. No, it did not snow. There was a little ice, so of course no one wanted to get out on the road with Houstonians who can't drive on ice. I am not complaining, because Will was off of work. Will made waffles for us that morning, and Nathaniel loved the blueberry waffles. He may have loved the blueberries by themselves even more. That is his favorite fruit right now.

Anyways, Will and Nathaniel took a brief nap in the recliner. Will watched Star Wars (you will see it still playing in the background). When Nathaniel got up, dad put him in the box for some play time.

Good thing we enjoyed it, I don't expect us to have another snow day together for a while!

Back to School

These are some shots I took of Nathaniel's first day back to school after the Christmas holidays. I love this outfit he got for Christmas. Also, you can see how he was pulling up on everything. Now he is standing on his own for a few seconds.

Apparently I was very funny that day. I love his laugh - it lights up his whole face.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Kroger Celebrity

So the other morning when we went to the store, Nathaniel got the celebrity treatment. He was his normal smiley self, and the manager commented that he wanted Nathaniel to come work for them when he was older. He said they always needed happy people. Then, the manager and another employee asked if Nathaniel could have a banana. I told them he loved bananas, but that I had planned on purchasing some.

Lucky Nathaniel, they went and got a banana for him and peeled it and gave it to me. So Nathaniel got to eat a banana while we shopped. Of course, I was not feeding it to him fast enough, so there were lots of grunts. Then another employee asked if he could have a balloon. Feeling silly, I said, "Sure." I felt silly because I'd never gotten one for him before. So the Kroger employee picks out a blue balloon, and even ties it to a little blue teddy bear anchor. Then she ties it to the cart. Of course, Nathaniel thinks this is terrific. He bounced that balloon off of everything, but mostly his head. He screamed and squealed the rest of our shopping trip. Anyways, I must admit I enjoyed my son being pampered at the store. It made my trip more enjoyable, but most of all I was happy since he was happy. Below are some pictures with the balloon.

It's the little things in life that make us happy . . . 

Day with Brooklyn

His friend Brooklyn came over to stay with us one day, and we had lots of fun. Nathaniel loves Brooklyn, and as Brooklyn pushed her stoller arond the house, Nathaniel chased after her. The funny thing is Nathaniel loved B's stroller, and was fascinated with the wheels. Basically, he touches the wheels and twirls them. He's tried to do the same thing with Will's bikes.

 This sweet hug made my day!