Friday, February 26, 2016

Park Fun

Last Saturday, with everyone finally feeling better, we got out of the house for some fun at the park. The weather has been beautiful.

Joel with N


Creative Nathaniel

One of the highlights of my week is seeing what Nathaniel brings home from school. A couple of weeks ago we got to look at everything together after the little boys are in bed. He's so proud of his work, and I can tell he loves school. That makes me so happy. The first one is a short story they have been doing. They read a book then make a summary of it. I think Nathaniel said this first one was based off of an Ezra Jack Keats book.

"The Epic Bridge" - I don't know where he picked up the word "Epic" or "epek" as he spelled it

He said he learned how to draw this cat in art

This one is from church, he told me that Jesus had a sunburn.

I like these drawings of his

I really think his drawings are fantastic. I hope he keeps drawing and using his creativity.

The long week and a half of sickness - and Valentine's Day!

It's been a long couple of weeks. Here is the summary.

Fri. night - at bedtime, Seth and Joel vomit within minutes of each other (on the carpet in their bedroom). The first time Joel threw up I was holding both of them so we all got some on us. Will was wonderful with the carpet cleaner.

Sat. morning (5 am) - Nathaniel wakes me up telling me his throat hurts. I put him back in bed. He has a fever all day and develops chills by dinner time. I take him to urgent care that night. They thought he had flu, but his flu test came back negative. They gave us some steroids for a croupy cough.

Sunday - everyone is tired, sleeps a lot.

Monday - Nathaniel not really much better. Little boys eating food again. That evening Joel has diarrhea.

Tuesday (1 a.m.) - Seth wakes up screaming. He has had explosive diarrhea that has filled his footed pjs. It got all over me when I got him out of the crib. We had to give him a bath, change his sheets. Joel wakes up in the process and he had vomited in his bed at some point. Get Joel and his bed cleaned up. Finally back to bed around 3 a.m.

That afternoon - Nathaniel wakes up with green and yellow junk coming out of his eyes. Plus his cough is worse. I take him to the Dr. and we get antibiotic eyedrops for pinkeye and an antibiotic for his cough/throat.

Wednesday - Will thinks he has pinkeye - I might have it also so they prescribe drops for me also.

Thursday - Nathaniel feeling much better. Still not 100%. We're all (except Seth and Joel) doing eye drops 4x a day.

Friday - Nathaniel feeling better. I take him to school for 2 hours for his Valentine's party. His class missed him and was so happy to see him. Here he is (below) decorating his Valentine's sack. However - little boys now have fever.

Saturday - we decide to take the little boys to urgent care (and Nathaniel has to miss the school carnival). Both twins have double ear infections (that's 4 infected ears). Joel was wheezing, so he got a nebulizer treatment. They were both fussy, and as soon as they put the mask on Joel, Seth started screaming too. I had to take Seth out in the hall to calm him down. He was upset that Joel had that mask on. You could hear Joel screaming throughout the entire building. I think we had all available nurses helping Will.

It really wasn't until Tuesday or Wednesday of the next week that Joel stopped wheezing, so I think by Thursday of the next week we were finally back to normal. Whew.

The good thing was that we enjoyed lots of cuddles while everyone was sick. However, it was exhausting to have all 3 boys be sick. But thankfully we are feeling better!

Joel on right. Feeling well enough to play a little.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wild Kratts

At the end of January, Nathaniel and I got to go see the Wild Kratts show. It was fun, but a little late for Nathaniel to be out, especially at the end of a school week. But I'm so glad I got to take him to his first "show."

Thursday, February 11, 2016

100 Days of School

Last Friday was the 100th day of school. Nathaniel's teacher asked the class to dress like 100-year olds. I was able to go have lunch with Nathaniel that day, and a lot of the costumes were really good.

Of course Nathaniel looks adorable with glasses! My sweet boy.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Winter Happenings

The little boys are doing so many new things. They both say "woof" when they see a dog. They trot and run around the house. They climb on the couch. They have so much energy. I think they are just going to take one nap a day from now on. We went to their first gymnastics class this week and they LOVED it (thanks again Neena). I didn't get any pictures because my friend Ginny helped me, and it took both of us chasing them around the gym.

The weather has been so nice. On Thursday I took the little boys to the breezeway with our neighbors. They wanted out, so I got them out to walk around. Seth immediately tried to eat rocks, so while I got those out of his mouth, Joel ran into the one mud puddle in the whole area. Mud up to his knees. I ran him home and changed him, and the rest of the park time went okay. 

Oh, and they each have special "friends" now. Seth has a stuffed dog (as seen below) that he loves. Joel has a bright yellow Matchbox truck. I wish he liked something stuffed and soft, but he goes everywhere with the little truck and sleeps with it.

Joel right


Seth left

Joel in blue

Love these three boys so much . . . and they are so sweet to each other.

Lots of Trouble

Seth and Joel love to have fun. And get into trouble together. I found a kitchen that someone was going to throw away. So I loaded it up, brought it home and cleaned it up. It is fantastic! The boys have had a blast.

Seth on left

The monkeys climbing together

Seth in front in dog pjs

Nathaniel had stuffed toys in Seth's pjs

Joel on left

I went to the bathroom for 30 seconds (Joel)
