Monday, February 27, 2017

End of February and Beginning of March - Seth's 3rd chemo round

It was nice being home for our break over Valentine's Day. However, Seth's cdiff was flaring up again. I guess the good thing is we got to be in an isolation room at clinic as we waited for a bed. The day before we came back to the hospital, Seth was walking in the hall and fell. He started crying and said his foot hurt. Dr. Gramatges examined it the next day at clinic but thought it was okay. He even walked around the room some that night and the next morning. However, the next day his foot was red and puffy and it was obvious something was wrong.

Waiting at Oncology Clinic - Feb 16
February 17th
Thankful it was just broken. The Drs. were worried with the redness it was a bone infection, osteomyelitis.  It wasn't.
Feb 18
Got x-ray, consulted with orthopedic, got cast put on.
Moved to corner room which was bigger Feb 25th

Feb 20 at appointment. Joel was getting platelets one a week at clinic.
Feb 20
Feb 21

Feb 22 Joel at home with Mimi

Sat Feb 25th I spent some time at home! There was one morning that Joel and Nathaniel and Mimi and I ran around and played tag at the park. It was so much fun. I'm thinking it was maybe this weekend.

Seth playing Feb 26th

Joel was up here for appointments each week and then appointments to prepare for transplant
February 28th they got a good playtime together

We had no idea which twin was going to transplant first. it was so stressful.
Thursday March 2nd. This is the day Joel had pre-transplant appointments. GFR, Echo and EKG, I got to hold him on the couch whilee he napped. Joel and I also went to the Children's Garden and a long walk down Fannin watching construction equipment. I just pushed him in his umbrella stroller and we were as happy as can be, emjoying a beautiful day.
Spent a day at home with the boys, we had a snowball fight. Lots of laughter. March 4

March 4
March 6

At appointments Daddy and Joel would get breakfast at Women's and watch the construction.

March 7
March 10 - probably one of the last baths Joel had at home

Seth didn't even get his scans to see how his cancer was doing until Wednesday March 7th. Up until that point we had no idea if Seth or Joel would go to transplant in 3 short days. Dr. Gramatges came to talk to Will and me in the radiology waiting room. She said his scans looks great. There wasn't any sign of the cancer. So Seth would most likely transplant first. Of course we had to wait several days for Dr. Krance to give final approval.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day - At Home with all 3 boys

We finally spent a holiday together as a family - Valentine's Day. I got Joel and Seth some little sugar cookies from Panera. But I don't think either one of them ate their cookies.

I was able to spend some one-on-one time with Nathaniel and took him to his school carnival.

February 11

Dad and Nathaniel at Monster Jam!

I was able to attend Nathaniel's Valentine's party. He was the first one to finish his ice cream sundae!