Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

These are actually some that Will took before Halloween, but I wanted to post some today. Nathaniel was a monkey today. He got to wear his costume to church, but during the festival we went to this afternoon it was just too hot . . . more pics to come but Happy Halloween!

For some reason he was intrigued with the navel on the costume?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In the Pumpkin Patch

So I wanted to take Nathaniel to the pumpkin patch for his first time ever. We had a lot of fun. While I contemplated dressing him in a nice fall outfit, we went yesterday and it was 92 degrees - a record high. Too hot for fall clothes. So yes, we are still dressing for summer here in Houston.

My two favorite boys!

 Touching the bumpy pumpkin.

 Dad making sure he doesn't take a flying leap out of the chair.

 I wanted him to see the big white pumpkin . . .

 But he was more interested in the straw on the ground.

 Holding a piece of straw.

 The straw was just as exciting as the pumpkins, I guess.

 Sitting next to the pumpkins.

 Lots of fun stuff to touch!

More Halloween pictures to come!

New Developments

Yesterday Nathaniel did a real crawl . . . although as soon as I pulled out the video camera he wouldn't do it again. He still mostly army crawls to get around.

He can also pull himself back up to sitting (as of last week). He's getting so big!

Here's a few pictures. I need to post State Fair pictures still, but this will get you by for a bit.

Below Nathaniel fell asleep in his backpack during an evening walk - we got the backpack for $10 used and fixed it up. Quite a deal! Apparently it's comfy to travel in as well.

And here are some pictures of where he crawled underneath one of our tables.
He's very pleased with himself - so cute!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Big 9-month Post

Yes, 9 months has already come and gone. Here are his stats:

Height: 29.5" (80th percentile)
Weight: 20 lbs. 5.5 oz (41st) percentile)
Head Circumference: 18.25" (75th percentile)

We had quite an interesting photo shoot this month. Nathaniel didn't want to stay in the chair this time. Here at the beginning the book held his interest for a bit . . .

Leaning over the edge . . .

I think this is where he fell off, and then I put him back
on the chair, with pillows on the floor this time.

And he couldn't resist, he leaped off the chair onto the pillows . . .

And rolled right off the pillows onto the floor.

Now moving over to check out the glider footstool . . .

Always in motion.

Of course he had to check out the camera -

Yes, that is indeed his finger on the lens.

Of course we had to keep exploring, so it was over to his crib.

"Look at me go! This is fun to pull on!"

Crazy me, I attempted some more shots in the chair.

However, another exploration trip was planned.

Not sure why the dogs always insist on coming in here.
Because they then act offended when their legs are grabbed.

"Come back here Otis, I am going to get you!"

On the move yet again . . . I have given up on any pics in the chair by now.

"Yes, another dog to attack!"

Annie hunts for a place to hide.

Nathaniel stalks his prey.

Annie hides out of reach.

But Otis has made a critical error and his leg was grabbed.

Yes, my hand is also in here trying to extract the leg, if you can tell.

What a fun time! For Nathaniel and I anyways, the dogs - maybe not so much. :)