Thursday, March 29, 2018


Seth had to endure some medical testing during the week of spring break in March since it had been one year since his bone marrow transplant. We tried to get out and enjoy the nice weather to relieve our stress.

Seth is good at making Lego creations

March 3rd -some Saturday reading together

Chalk! March 5th

Playing vet and giving his plastic alligator an exam

Starting Spring Break with some reading - March 10

The dinos got rides, and then they set up their very own "Jurassic Park"

End of Spring Break - Seth had a little cough, but loved relaxing on Bubba.
The Friday of Spring Break we took Seth to TCH for a full day - GFR, ECHO and EKG. Plus very large lab draw. We left the house to ger there at 7:30 a.m. and didn't get home until 3:30 or 4 that afternoon. Nathaniel spent the night with Mary Kay and went to the museum.

Mar 22 - Seth's transplant birthday

Seth and I actually spent his transplant birthday at Armand Bayou park, where there are several swing sets and playgrounds he loves. The weather was beautiful. I can't think of a better way to celebrate one year after a transplant than running around like a normal child at the park. He didn't want to leave and screamed the whole way home in the minivan "I don't want to go yet!"

Mar23 - Seth's first haircut

This was the first time Seth had his hair cut since before he had cancer.

His first time to eat a Dum-Dum or sucker. He picked blue raspberry after getting his hair cut. He really liked it.

Neena and Pops came Mar 24 and Seth got this small robot to work on.

Seth and I working on puzzles together the day before Good Friday. So hard to believe that a year ago he was coming home from the hospital. I was so nervous then.

Mary Kay took Nathaniel to the museum

This picture is from Mar 20th. Seth had his PET CT scans and we dropped N off early at Levi's house. He was so excited.
March 30 - playing at one of our favorite parks.

It was such a beautiful evening!