Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Family Shot

Here is our family Easter shot that they took before church. It's not the best, but you can see all of us Easter morning. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

What a great Easter! Here are some shots from the egg hunt we had in our backyard with the Illgs. Here is Nathaniel, ready for the hunt.

Berit was already checking to see what was in the eggs. Smart girl.

(See Otis in the background - he was not concerned about the eggs at all).

Carrying his own bucket!

Love this look on Berit's face when she saw the eggs in the swing. Got so excited she forgot to pick them up.

Nathaniel realizing there were treats in the eggs.

Yum! Goldfish.

Here are a few shots before church (Nathaniel in his Easter outfit) - we should have taken more. Unfortunately there was a pee-pee accident that necessitated the outfit change before the egg hunt. You can click to enlarge the photo.

A great day! Happy Easter to everyone.

Easter Egg Hunt at Nathaniel's school

Will took Nathaniel up to school for his big Easter Egg hunt. He didn't quite get the hang of it - until Easter was here. First of all, some bubble shots in the classroom.

Class picture! Nathaniel, Allie, Brinlee, Hannah, Parker, Evan, Ian.

Sweet Allie checking on Nathaniel.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Crawfish Boil

It was time again for the Borck crawfish boil. For the first time we didn't have to worry about rain - it has been very dry here, and all over Texas. Thankfully we haven't had many wildfires here like the rest of the state. Here are some shots (all by Keith) -

Konrad and Nathaniel in the wagon


Nathaniel is drinking out of my cup here (and spilling water all over us)

Love the brother and sister sharing a snack shot

The lawnmower was very popular

And the rake as he walks with Barbara

Berit - scheming I think.

Can you tell he likes the car?

My son is just a little expressive . . .

Last but not least a shot of Nathaniel's new friend - Berit's little sister.