Thursday, June 30, 2016

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Father's Day and other shenanigans

We got to celebrate Father's Day while Neena was here. Neena helped Nathaniel make an angel food cake from scratch. That is one of Will's favorite desserts.

Joel thinks his green tongue is hilarious

Watching the cows

I love to see him lost in a book

Oh Seth . . .

Seth and baby - so sweet

Rockin' Bubba - he made all of our family members into a rock group

Joel looking at camera

Children's Museum & Fun with Neena

Will and I took the boys to a smaller Children's Museum last Friday. It was so perfect for all 3.

Joel left

First pushpops at Chuy's while Neena was here. Joel on top and Seth on bottom picture.

Summer Fun

While summer was off to a busy start, we have tried to enjoy not getting up and rushing to get ready for the bus. Here we are having a pretty lazy morning where everyone was "somewhat" still for a bit.

Seth on left

First day of summer but last day with our friends

In the moving van on loading day


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Last Day of Kindergarten

I can't believe Kindergarten is over. We have been so blessed to have such a fantastic year. He loved his teacher and all his new friends. Nathaniel's teacher told me that he got along well with everyone. She also said he was kind to others. We are so proud of him. He had a Kindergarten graduation, but it was pretty hectic so we did not take any pictures. We did take a few of us outside when we got home.

Got to wear his pjs to school the last day. And bring a stuffed animal.
First day of school.

Can you believe how little the boys were the first day of school?

Nathaniel received this cookie - unfortunately I spotted the typo right away. I'm hoping the cookie place was responsible.

The last day of school we went to a going-away party for our friends. We are so sad to see them go, but have been blessed by their friendship and the fun we've had together.