Friday, June 15, 2018


June just wasn't the best month for Seth. He felt bad from the nplate injections that were given to him to stimulate his platelets. Plus Seth spiked a fever, due to a cold, and we spent the first week of the summer in the hospital on the 9th floor (at least we got to see our nurse friends).

June 1 - long clinic day. Lost bloodwork.
N and Dad enjoying a breakfast to celebrate summer while we're at clinic. He ate it all.
June 2 - Nathaniel's first swim meet. I had to leave since Seth wasn't feeling well and had a fever. We ended up taking him to the ER.

Frogger that N created (Frog robot)?
Some arts and crafts goodies from Aunt Hill in the mail

at least some snuggles when he wasn't feeling well post-nap

Seth's first day of Water Babies

We got caught running in the rain so decided to have some fun!


Sports Day at VBS - they even wore the same jersey!

Cub Scout hike at Armand Bayou

Trip to Lowe's
Father's Day

Summer Reading Program with Mary Kay - Snakes

Houston Symphony at Library

Putting in a new microwave

Rare nap in chair with Dad

Having fun reading while eating. Poor Seth has dealt with a lot of nausea.