Monday, November 25, 2013

Quiet Time

We still have a quiet time each afternoon. Nathaniel doesn't usually take a nap, but he relaxes or plays quietly with toys in the dark. Last week I heard a strange noise on the monitor. When I came upstairs to check, the door was barricaded. He finally moved enough toys and pillows so I could get inside.

Sometimes he is a stinker but he's just so cute.

Cold Weather

It's been cold around here lately. Something we haven't done in a while - wear a jacket! This jacket was a bit big last year and now it fits perfectly.

The dogs snuggling together.

Gingerbread Fun

This past weekend we had outdoor plans, but they fell through due to bad weather. So we had our friends over instead, and Barb brought gingerbread. It was a huge hit for everyone.


I love Christmas time! Looking forward to a fun month.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sunset Pictures

We've had so many pretty sunsets lately. I haven't been able to get many good pictures, though. Here's a few from last weekend.

And a shot of the field while were were playing last weekend.

We love fall.

The dogs and Nathaniel

Nathaniel wanted me to take a few shots of him with the dogs. The dogs had been pretty comfy until Nathaniel intruded. Please ignore my laundry on the couch.

Cookie Decorating

Last weekend we got to decorate some gingerbread cookies with Nathaniel's friend Henry. The red icing looked like lipstick on the boys. While they were playing outside after eating cookies, Nathaniel told Henry that it looked like he had whiskers. Henry didn't realize he had the red icing on the corners of his mouth and was upset. Henry said "I don't have whiskers! I am not a mouse!" It was really funny. Nathaniel kept telling him that he did have whiskers.

The finished product.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Puppet Show

We go to the library every couple of weeks. They rotate different toys in the kids' area. Last week they had the puppets out and Nathaniel treated me to a puppet show.

The alligator was nibbling his ear.

What a great performance!

Soccer trophy

It was the end of soccer and Nathaniel got his first trophy. We had a scrimmage in the rain which was interesting. Plus it was right after the time change so it was dark. Nathaniel wasn't so interested in playing but he had a good time running around and being wild. I do have video of a few good kicks. He was more excited about the trophies and snacks.

With Coach Ashley

The Corn Maze

We went to do the corn maze last weekend. It was a really muddy corn maze. There was standing water in the path. Of course that didn't stop us. I did drive home barefoot because our socks and shoes were so wet and muddy.

The tractor pulled us out to the maze. It was a lot of fun to watch the tractor wheels kick up mud and slide around in the mud. Lots of squishing. Great fun for everyone.