Wednesday, September 19, 2018


September was a great month. Seth started school and loved it. We celebrated Seth's 4th birthday.

Double Rainbow - right before we went to Target

Nathaniel and I went on a special date while Will fed Seth some spaghetti-os

So tired after school
Pictures I tried to take of Seth on his first day of school

9/11, Tyler gave us this ninja turtle hat at clinic

9/14 Seth so tired after school week he fell asleep in chair watching tv

9/17 They were pretending to be worms!

We were supposed to take Prayer Bear on adventures for Seth's preschool class. But Seth wasn't having it.

9/21 Will at Raptor Run


9/26 Decorating cupcakes for Seth's school the next morning

9/28 Seth's Birthday

9/29 Opening more presents. There were so many that they couldn't all be opened on his birthday.

Nathaniel with present from Beth "Party Animal"