Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nathaniel Update

Sorry, no pictures this time. Just wanted to make note of several of Nathaniel's new developments.

Teeth - about a 2 weeks ago, one of his bottom molars broke through. Now the two top ones are very close. He's really done well considering, I think.

Speech - I think you all know that he has always been vocal, but now he is starting to say some words. I am marking his first official word as "mama." He doesn't say it to me all the time by any stretch, but when I was walking down the hallway one night last week to check on him (while reading with Dad) and he said "mama." He also has said "hi." Again - not always but when the mood strikes him. The other morning he was reaching for one of Will's hats and we heard "hat!" The "h" is somewhat silent, so it sounds more like "at." To top it off, today when I picked him up from school, they said he was talking a lot. Apparently he was saying "hi" and "bubble." I must confess, I was somewhat surprised by "bubble." My plan tonight is to blow some bubbles and see if he says it again. (They have a large machine that blows bubbles at school).

Hugs and Kisses - it came to my attention that I don't think I've written about this. I can tell Nathaniel to give me hugs or kisses, and he does it! His kisses are open mouth and drooly, but I love them. He's pretty good about giving me kisses and hugs when I ask, but as far as other people it depends on his mood. Today he acted like he was going to hug Ms. Janice but then turned around and hugged me. (He was tired, he'd had a full school-day with no nap). Anyways, I love that he is so affectionate. He also hugs a lot on his friends at school and his BSF class.

Projectiles - unfortunately the sippy-cup projectile is still continuing. It is driving his daddy crazy. Nathaniel drinks what he wants and promptly chunks the cup on the floor. I've found that grabbing it and giving him positive reinforcement for handing it to me works better than saying "no" over and over when he chunks it. Not his finest moment, but we must document nonetheless. However, I don't think Will wants to remember this stage . . .

Walking - still not happening. :)

Napping - he has gotten better about taking naps after school. However, he prefers napping on the floor in the living room while I work. Whatever works - at least he is napping. I think playing all day with his friends totally wipes him out. On the other days, he may nap some, but it may not be more than 20-30 min or so. Don't you wish you had his energy? He has been sleeping through the night really well this year, though.

14 month pictures are coming up! I have to write down everything for the little guy to read when he is older - thanks for being interested in him!

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