Monday, April 19, 2010

Teeth Coming!

Nathaniel has been fussier as of late and hasn't been eating as well. I decided this morning to take him in to the pediatrician, just to be on the safe side. I was wondering if he was teething - he's been drooling so much, and really chomping down on anything he can.

The pediatrician checks him over, and says he is really healthy - just a little bit of drainage in the back of the throat. Here is a brief replay of our conversation.

Me: Can he be teething?
Dr.: No, not at 3 months, impossible.
Me: He'll be 4 months at the end of this month - is there any way you can just check?
Dr.: Sure, I can look in there and see.

(At this point she sticks the depresser in this mouth, and he grins at her).

Dr.: Well, I see lots of white spots, he should be getting some teeth soon.
Me: How soon?
Dr. Within a month. You know, all kids are different. Apparently he will just have teeth very early.
Me: Thanks for looking. :) And I meant it - I'm glad she didn't mind checking for me.

I went to Babies-R-Us for teething supplies, and unfortunately for most of the teethers the baby holds on to it, but poor Nathaniel isn't big enough to hold anything in his mouth yet. So we enjoy holding him and letting him chomp on the teether. He's such a fast developer!

Oh, and forgot to mention - even though he didn't feel good he was so smiley at the Dr.'s office. He laughed and laughed at me while we waited on the Dr. He's such a happy and sweet baby.

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