Monday, July 16, 2018


I still took Seth to clinic once a week. We stopped the n-plate and started the Promacta, which wasn't amy better. I had no luck trying to crush the pills and make a solution myself. They were very big and hard (and blue!) and grainy and I couldn't get it crushed up well. Seth hated the taste even when I mixed with with syrpalta. We found a place in Katy that could make a solution. It was the ONLY place in Houston that would try.

Most kids aren't even on Promacta. Seth is on a 50mg adult dose. It still affects his appetite and makes him nauseaus, so we spent much of July dealing with trying to get Seth to eat and ensuring that he did NOT lose weight. Seth also had a big growth spurt, which has made consuming calories even more important (stressful). There was a panicked moment before we actually met with Brittany (our dietician) where there was talk of a g-tube or TPN (except Seth had no line). So eating was stressful in July, for lots of reasons.

July 3rd

Happy 4th of July!

Aunt Hill came for a visit!

Seth only lasted at the zoo for a short time. Aunt Hill took Bubs to see "Big Bugs" exhibit. Seth was scared of the Big Bugs.

Pulled his 4th tooth! Right after Aunt Hill left
Card he made for Mimi

Robotics Camp

Very short visit from Rheagan!

Clinic Day - Bubba with us since he had no camps. Tuesday 7/24

Nathaniel accidentally gave Seth a black eye - Nathaniel was swinging a monster truck behind him and Seth walked up and it hit him in the eye.

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