Monday, August 28, 2017

Hurricane Harvey

I came home the hospital the day the storm was supposed to hit. The first night we really didn't get much rain. The second night we got around 40 inches of rain. It was like standing under a waterfall. The rain was hard and never slacked. It went on for hours. I think it started around 8:00 when the boys went to sleep (we were sleeping in Seth and Joel's room) and didn't stop until 5 or 6 the next morning. Countless people we knew on facebook were posting that they needed to be rescued from high waters. I couldn't go to sleep. At 2:00 Nathaniel and Seth woke up when I ws checking for flooding and we watched the tv for tornado warnings. I made everyone go to the bathroom and eat a snack because I feared we would lost power. I got a big tub of Legos to keep everyone occupied. I even made a list of exercises like jumping jacks and push ups and sit-ups that Nathaniel and I could do to keep active and help us not go crazy from being stuck inside.

Lego creations


Mom waiting in store line at HEB. It snaked around for miles. And there wasn't much food at the grocery store.

I think Nathaniel had gone to one week of school before the storm hit. Then his district was closed at least 2 weeks because so many schools flooded. They had a playground day before school started up again to get the kids together and relaxed. My mom took Nathaniel.

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