Saturday, December 27, 2014

Early December Catch-up

The second week of December, Will was picked for a prominent jury trial and was downtown for a week. It was my first week to get Nathaniel ready and to school each day (with the babies too, of course). We were a little late, but overall I think it was a success. Mimi came the 3rd week of December, and we were ready to have some help! Everyone had a great time (and quite a few naps were taken). Nathaniel even got to take Mimi to his school Christmas party. Apparently he consumed muffins, donut holes and lots of fruit. There is one picture below where he is just looking longingly at the food table. He has grown quite a bit taller, so I guess some fuel is needed. :)

Seth on left, Joel right




Starting to look a lot more alike! Seth on top here. This is from early - mid Dec.

These are some pictures from early December. I get to have some alone time with these cuties while big brother is at school. I try to hold each one and give each one some attention. Joel first two pictures, then next three pics Seth.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THESE BOYS! They are so completely precious! I am just dying to meet S&J! Miss you, sweet friend. You are doing amazing - it's awesome (and not surprising, of course) to see all your boys just thriving and growing so much. You and Will are doing this, and you're doing it so well! Love you so!
