Saturday, April 9, 2011

Reading with Daddy and Cute Pictures

Nathaniel and I read a lot during the day, and then Will reads with him sometimes at night after dinner while I clean up the kitchen. I love the way he is sweetly patting his daddy on the head.

Nathaniel has never cared much about tv, but on this particular morning he started watching "Super Readers" on PBS. It holds his attention for only a few minutes, and then it's onto something else. But, I had never seen him lay on his stomach like this before - he looked so big - so I decided to take a few shots.

Reading with daddy - different night.

Oops, he spotted me and wants a hug. 


  1. I just love him. Miss y'all!

  2. How I looooooooooooooooove kids in footie pj's!!!! Irresistible!!!
